自從去香港上完Energy of Nature workshop之後,一直都沒有多少時間可以練習老師教的東西。今天一大早就完成了工作進度,竟然讓人有一種輕鬆到停不下來的感覺。我想應該是山上的樹在呼喚我吧!靜下心來,在農場裡走一圈,好似走進了一個全新的視界。
原來這裡也有helping trees。往外身的枝幹好似護衛著下方的花草樹木。從挺拔往上衝的姿態看來,the element of fire是不可擋。選在樹下開闢,莫非是美麗的巧合?好好的保護他,不要讓他受到傷害,讓樹下的人、植物與動物都可以浸潤於自然的力量中。
It's amazing to learn about the five elements of trees from the Energy of Nature workshop in an incredible botanical garden in Hong Kong. I was surprised that a helping tree is just right in the place we work and truly felt the heat of power from it. It has guarded all the creatures around it for a long time and will surely do its job unless we hurt it.