Oct 30, 2011

梅花滿天下discover the goodness of our country

10/10 國慶慶祝餐會
Dinner Party celebrating the 100th Double Tenth National Day of the Republic of China (Taiwan)
 Taiwan aboriginal dance

People usually start to appreciate the beauty of their hometown after they leave. At the dinner

致命吸引力Just adore in distance.

10/10 Mushroom Nature Walk in Pacific Spirit Park (UBC)
 油油亮亮。Jelly look.


The beauty of distance. People should understand this before they become friends of wild mushrooms. With Mr. Terry Taylor, a Vancouver botanist and one of the region's most respected

Oct 27, 2011


10/9 好朋友家
 Home-made food warms everyone's heart.

Generosity brings love to friends.

Oct 26, 2011

Music and food美食與音樂

10/8 Purple Thistle Guerilla Gardeners Workparty, food forest at Charles Street project site, Vancouver

 Great food for food forest wrokparty!

With imagination and actions, people can grow food everywhere, including the industrial district in East Vancouver. A group of youth runs a resource center collectively and tries to make everything happen. One of the projects they have done and are still doing is URBAN GARDENING. They got permission from the city government to use plots in the industrial district and grow food, build bee hives and dig their hands into the earth. Growing food is not as difficult as we think!

Oct 25, 2011

都市農夫Farm in the back yard

Small Plot Intensive (SPIN)

Small Plot Intensive (SPIN) farming is practiced on land bases under an acre in the urban. It emphasizes on profit margin of crops and limited capital investments. Will it eventually turn all green spaces in the cities into food producing lands? Let’s wait and see. 網址http://spinfarming.com

Oct 24, 2011


10/7 Sharing Farm Weeding


According to Wikipedia, a weed in a general sense is a plant that is considered by the user of the term to be a nuisance, and normally applied to unwanted plants in human-controlled settings, especially farm fields and gardens, but also lawns, parks, woods, and other areas. Therefore, a weed is not necessary to be pulled all the time. As long as a weed is valued by users, like some Shumei natural agricultural believers in Japan, it stays in the same place no matter it is pulled or not. By doing so, all the nutrients obtained by a weed go back to the earth.

Oct 21, 2011

Eat locally時髦快餐車

10/7 Food cart downtown

有大嗎?Really big?


 Try exotic food at food carts in Downtown Vancouver. The city government requests cart vendors to primarily use local ingredients while smartly promote local farming.

Oct 20, 2011

吃著毒藥數著鈔票 social revolution

10/3 seed saving workshop, Terra Nova Park

No seeds, no food. Seed saving is important and needs support from the community. Mr. Dan Jason, from Salt Spring Seeds on Salt Spring Island, works with some farmers to save seeds, especially for indigent plants, and to sell throughout Canada. Furthermore, he gives speeches everywhere to encourage communities to save and grow seeds together in hope to fight against multinational seeding companies’ monopoly.


It's only a matter of screening.

Oct 19, 2011

Embrace the nature擁抱自然

10/2 Golden Ears Park金耳朵公園

Canadians are so lucky to enjoy such beauty every day.

我很醜但很好吃ugly but tasty

10/3 青葉農場,Organic farms in Maple Ridge

The squash Taiwanese eat lots in the summer.

It's amazed to see how hard Taiwanese farmers try to plant tropical and subtropical vegetables and fruits here. Why? They just can't forget the comfort food they have back home.

Oct 18, 2011

園藝輕鬆做Smart and easy gardening

10/7 Lee Vally Tools Ltd.

After knowing horticultural therapy participants’ needs, we can find some helpful tools to make gardening easier for them.

Oct 17, 2011

觀察自然與人Observe nature and people

Horticultural Therapy – Programming for All Seasons-part I, UBC Botanical Garden
Walk in the nature to learn.
The big binder given in Horticultural Therapy (HT) courses really impressed me. It’s totally well-organized and initiated the endless journey of learning.

Oct 14, 2011

金齡日Golden Age Day

9/29 & 10/ 6 Taiwanese Canadian Cultural Society 台加文化協會

I thought it's hard for seniors from Taiwan to stay in Canada. What surprises me is that there are so many Taiwanese clubs host various activities for our grandpa and grandma. Taiwanese Canadian Cultural Society  sets Thursdays as Golden Age Days for seniors to meet friends and talk about the good old days.

Oct 12, 2011

拇指大的紅蘿蔔最好吃, LAST CSA BOX

9/28 Sharing Farm分享農場
今天是供應CSA Box (Community Support Agriculture Box, 社區支持農業食物箱) 的最後一天。感謝一直支持農場的社區居民,大家好好地準備今年最後一箱的食物。沒有這些居民過去三個月每周的支持,農場變少了一筆很重要的收入。為了表達最深的謝意,我們時常會多給一些小驚喜,例如一把花,一包藍莓等等。
The last CSA Box for this year. Thanks for the community residents, who always wait for little surprises every week.

肚子飽的時候,請記住有人正在餓肚子。Richmond Food Bank and Church St. Alban’s Community Meal

September 27 and October 4
Richmond Food Bank and Church St. Alban’s Community Meal

Food banks in each city provide people with food, love and respect. 4 staff and 120 volunteers feed 500 households, of which 30% are children. This is Richmond, a relatively rich city in Vancouver.


一開始聽到「分享農場」(Sharing Farm)的食物要捐給「食物銀行」(Food Bank)時,以為領食物的人僅是少數,或者多是來自溫哥華其他城市。到「食物銀行」實際了解之後,才知道每個城市都有食物銀行,只發送食物給設籍當地的居民。根據列治文市「食物銀行」的員工表示,目前約有500個家庭接受援助,平均每戶人口數2.5人。由於經濟不景氣,接受援助的家庭數一直上升。

Oct 8, 2011

Thanks to all farmers

9/26 Public Market and Super store

Today is food shopping day. For many people, it means going to Public Market and Super Store. Here are some observations. First of all, there should be a huge variety of food coming from different corners of the world. Second, the quantities of all kinds of food should be huge. Third, the expiration date should never be coming soon (or never come). Finally, the receipt should be as long as Nile River.

Used to shop one or two bunches of vegetables at farmers’ markets, I got lost and overwhelmed in Public Market and Super Store. These places are too tidy and appealing that people may not easily relate food to farmers who grow food.

Thanksgiving Day is coming. Try to buy a bunch of vegetable from a local farmer and say thanks to them.

Richmond 這個亞洲人聚集的城市裡,幾乎所有的家鄉味都可以買的到,只是道不道地而已。「公共市場」(Public Market)好似南門市場再現,所有想的到和想不到的菜這裡都有,有些是這裡種的,有些是進口的。在這白人主宰的世界裡,亞洲人利用蔬菜宣示著強烈的族群意識,是不是怕跟家鄉斷了線成了沒根的浮萍?

月圓人團圓Get together to warm our elders' hearts

9/24 Moon Cake Festival and Double Ninth Festival, Church at Elgin Street, Vancouver 
溫哥華客家會中秋暨重陽節聯歡晚會, 台光教會

Happy smiles!

For North Americans, Thanksgiving Day is set for families and friends to give thanks for a good harvest and to rejoice together. For Chinese, it's Mid-Autumn Festival (Moon Cake Festival). Instead of turkeys and pumpkins, we eat moon cakes and pomelos. No matter where we are and what we eat, everyone shares with their beloved and hopefully with people in need.

I LOVE Double Ninth Festival, which reminds  everyone of the treasure of every family, our elders. As double nine literally means longevity, we wish every elder lives long and happily.

It's brilliant to celebrate Mid-Autumn Festival and Double Ninth Festival together. Can't forget the biggest smile on our elders' faces.


Oct 6, 2011

生病時往哪找醫生?Where to find help when you are sick?

10/6 article: Ecotherapy: When Nature is the Best Therapist
文章閱讀: 生態治療: 自然是最佳治療師

It's so exciting to see the emerging trend in green care and ecotherapy. Yes, it makes sense. Nature nurtures and cares human beings. When a balanced state is reached between Nature and human beings, wellness is  reached.


Oct 4, 2011

我要幫太太種菜, I will plant for my wife

9/23 Sharing Farm- Volunteer Day

It’s all about harvesting and planting in fall. A 7-year-old boy came to volunteer with his family on Sharing Farm. Pushing wheelbarrow hard and planting beets softly with his little hands, he felt in love with gardening. “I will plant for my wife” he proudly and affirmatively. “And for your mother?’ I asked. The sweetheart of all women said “I will plant for my wife and my mother.”

Gardening is so powerful to invoke a little boy’s love.  
