Oct 30, 2011

致命吸引力Just adore in distance.

10/10 Mushroom Nature Walk in Pacific Spirit Park (UBC)
 油油亮亮。Jelly look.


The beauty of distance. People should understand this before they become friends of wild mushrooms. With Mr. Terry Taylor, a Vancouver botanist and one of the region's most respected
experts on fungi, we wandered in the park and met our wild friends at the most unexpected places. After a three0hour walk in the drizzling morning, I learned two things. First, don’t eat any wild mushrooms. Mr. Taylor often got calls from emergency rooms to identify mushrooms eaten by “mushroom experts’. Second, the forest eco-system can’t function without fungi, which transform dead trees into nutrients. Just adore wild mushrooms in distance.

雙十國慶一大早的慶祝活動就是和朋友一起參加Green Club舉辦的Mushroom Nature Walk。雖然細雨霏霏,寒風刺骨,我們一群人跟著野菇專家Terry Taylor先生在森林間穿梭,享受與野菇不期而遇的樂趣。


Let me be your little umbrella.
 小雨傘。只長在Dougla Fir毬果的小可愛。
 Can you see me? 你可以再靠近一點? 
我在這裡。I am here.

 誰吃的?Did you eat it?
 Just watch! No food. 只看而已,不是舔。角度問題。
 Look like street lights. 好像路燈。
 Smell like garlic. 有大蒜味。

The way cherry trees protect themselves.


We can tell if the trunk has been turned by how mushrooms grow.

 A integration of two lives.兩種生命的結合。
Are you hiding yourself?Yes, you can't see me. 

Golden Trumpet金色的小喇叭。
I love the color of this leave.

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