Just had a great talk with a animal assisted therapist from International Society for Animal Assisted Therapy (ISAAT) in Switzerland. We all agree “Respect” is the key to the path of Green Care. With respect, we care our nature friends, animals and plants. Living happily, animals and plants share their power and love, that we can only perceive with our pure mind. Nature friends are our partners in the practices of Green Care, rather than tools. Animals, plants, wind, rocks and all the other nature elements are always our nature friends.
最近很開心和一位來自瑞士ISAAT 的動物輔助治療師聊天,沒想到我們竟然有那麼多相似的想法。是的,“尊重”就是Green Care的態度。當我們的自然夥伴活得幸福、活得快樂時,我們就能感受到他們的療癒力。自然界的一切都是我們好夥伴,動物、植物、微風、石頭、陽光.....
Many animals can be our company as long as they are connected to our life.

A pet fish plays with its owner when she finishes works on her farm.
Finally getting rid of Internet, the cute boy can’t leave his dog friend.