Nov 23, 2017

Colorful nature迷幻自然色

Butchard garden is one of my favorite in Vancouver. A wonder of nature colors.
第一次去Butchard 花園時有點震撼到,好像進入一個夢幻的多彩世界...

photos from British Columbia Gardens
For more information on British Columbia Gardens, see:

Nov 19, 2017

Green Care- a bridge between agriculture and healthcare

Green Care is defined as multicultural agriculture or a bridge between agriculture and healthcare in Europe. In our rural daycare facility, we embrace the power of nature and the harvest of farms.

來自香港的R先生教我們如何煲銀耳湯。中風後,他已經在復健機構復健十年了。是我們green care課程最認真的同學。

Nov 13, 2017

Sunshine warms every corner-green care in correction institutions 陽光照進狱窗内

Sunshine warms every corner in the world, even inside the jail. Today harvests from my garden warm inmates’ hearts, especially when they know the dessert was prepared by my mom early this morning. Sunshine and love reaches them through the harvest!

为了要让洛神花享受充分的阳光,忍痛砍了相思树。没想到,竟然有豁然开朗的新气象。立马带着新鲜的洛神花,和矫正机构的个案分享。酸酸的洛神花酱搭配义大利饼干,让这些长年受刑的个案有机会接到阳光的能量! ​​​
