Starting learning herbs with teachers, I am amazed by the applications of these herbs and stories told by teachers and wonder if the secrets of plants can be totally revealed by the science. 雖然知道植物對人有許多的好處,卻不知道植物的妙用無窮。這幾個月來,跟著兩位老師從青草店的觀點和中醫的觀點認識植物。老師提到的案例都讓我感到神奇不已,植物的奧秘似乎無法完全以人類短淺的科學經驗解釋。
所有老師帶來的乾品都聞過、摸過了,對我來說都差不多。看來認真和老師打好關係,才是上策。悠遊於自然中,推廣綠自然照護,享受自然的力量。 Play in the nature, promote green care and enjoy the power of nature.
May 14, 2012
May 4, 2012
國際校園校地聯盟International School Ground Alliance
The International School Grounds Alliance (ISGA) is a network of organizations and individuals working to improve school grounds around the world. The ISGA formed as a result of the International Green Schoolyards Conference held in California in September 2011. This video records some of the perspectives presented at the conference by leaders in the school ground field from seven countries including: Australia, Canada, England, Germany, Japan, Sweden, and the United States. For more information, please see: and
May 3, 2012
御風男孩The boy who harnessed the wind
"Just try". Such an easy sentence but not so easily said by an African boy living with hunger and no schooling. He reminds us it's time to take actions no matter how little you have on hand.
看完這本書之後,原來擁有最少的人最有可能爆發出無限的可能性。 誠如這本書的作者說的,想成功,就要放手一試。這句話很多人都可以輕易的脫口而出,但是從一個經歷饑荒、沒錢上學的十四歲男孩口中說出,就是不一樣。因為他不屈不撓的嘗試,從垃圾堆裡建造出自己的風力發電機,讓自己的家成為附近鄰居中唯一在黑夜發亮的小屋。
現在他和轉動風車計畫(Moving Windmills Project)和建造組織(一起重建自己讀過的小學。
May 1, 2012
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