Feb 13, 2017

心得分享--Green Care期刊文章

在德國和當地綠色照護的專家交流,從復健中心、照護農場到日照中心,有園丁出身的Garden therapist, 心理師出身的農場經理,還有社工出身的中心主管,大家都非常的專業和熱愛工作。

閒聊之中,竟然被邀請在Green Care 的期刊上分享一些想法,一開始真的覺得自己是班門弄斧,後來發現他們對於東方的思想與模式很感興趣,也就野人獻曝囉!謝謝我的好朋友Andreas Nipple幫我翻譯成德文。他是 HELIOS klinik Holthausen 的 Garten/Gartentherapie團隊領導,也是歐盟 International Association of Garden Therapy (www.iggt.eu) 的主席。

Between clients and nature

Interacting with the nature and clients, we listen to them and learn from them.

After being transferred among different institutions, many clients wish things to be the same as they used to be. Their health, their body and their life.  They started to feel frustrated and sometimes we told them to try harder. However, everything changes at every moment in the nature, including human beings. Stones decay and water flows even though they look the same in the garden. Changes happen to everyone before he/she is aware of them. When we wonder in the nature, clients will gradually understand they are not able to return to the good old days but will still experience nice things in the coming new world.

Most people, including our clients and us, have difficulties to accept something unknown or unexpected. Uncertainty leads to greater fear. While greeting birth, people feel uncomfortable to live with illness, aging or even death. An ancient Asian philosopher said the process of aging, illness and death begins with birth. Seeds germinate in the spring. Blossom decorates the summer garden and brings autumn harvest. Leaves shrivel and become a part of compost in the winter. A client in the hospice told us she was happy to leave a pretty pot of flowers for the new comers.

According to the Chinese lunar calendar, our ancestors follow the rhythm of nature. Start their days with sunrise and head for home in the glow of sunset. Eat seasonal food and drink local water. The fabulous diversity of nature draws people’s attention to the present moment. How many times have we seen sparkles in clients’ eyes when they stay in the moment? Life can be simple. Follow the rhythm of nature and go with the flow. Having everything around you in sync is easier than fighting against anything. We learn that from our clients.

Thank to our clients, who lead us to the basis. Observe nature, imitate nature, and enjoy nature. While listening to clients, we are receiving power from nature. 

Source: Green Care, 4 2016, Hochschule für Agrar- und Umweltpädagogik

Feb 12, 2017


本來想樹蔭可以減少園子裡地表的水分蒸發,但紫蝶豆(Clitoria ternatea, butterfly pea)和芳香萬壽菊(Tagetes lemmonii, Lemmon's Marigold)都不開心了。只好忍痛幫相思樹(Acacia confusa Merr. var. inamurae Hayata, Taiwan  Acacia)修枝,但我只修了枝幹保留主幹,與主幹連接的地方也保留一定的長度以免日後長出容易吹斷的不定枝。等下一個颱風過後,就知道我有沒有修對了。聽完樹醫生的修枝課程之後,就一直等待機會練習一下。

還是要謝謝相思樹貢獻落葉,層層堆積保濕又堆肥,突然發現忽視很久的馬蘭(Kalimeris indica (L.) Sch. bip., Indian Kalimeris)還活得好好的。


Pruning is hard for me. Maybe I am too attached to the plants in my garden. Today butterfly peas and Lemmon's Marigold told me they have the right to enjoy sunshine. So I pruned.......

Most of the trees in my garden were planted by the nature. They soften soil, mulch on the ground and sometimes even share great fruits.

Remember to keep a small part of pruned trunks instead of cutting into the junction. Otherwise, the newly arising branches will only attached to the remaining trunk with bark and may break in a strong wind.

Feb 10, 2017





Even since my family told me about our aboriginal origin, I have been fond of aboriginal culture, which is the best presentation of nature.

This year I am so lucky to work with these lovely people in a lovely mountainous village. Come and explore the nature power with me.

This musical instrument is assembled with bamboo sticks (Phyllostachys makinoi), Job’s tears (Coix  lacryma-jobi L.) and yellow Rotang Palm (Daemonorops margaritae  (Hance) Beccari). Most materials are native plants in Taiwan. These native people live in the nature and express their appreciation for the nature with natural songs.