Feb 12, 2017


本來想樹蔭可以減少園子裡地表的水分蒸發,但紫蝶豆(Clitoria ternatea, butterfly pea)和芳香萬壽菊(Tagetes lemmonii, Lemmon's Marigold)都不開心了。只好忍痛幫相思樹(Acacia confusa Merr. var. inamurae Hayata, Taiwan  Acacia)修枝,但我只修了枝幹保留主幹,與主幹連接的地方也保留一定的長度以免日後長出容易吹斷的不定枝。等下一個颱風過後,就知道我有沒有修對了。聽完樹醫生的修枝課程之後,就一直等待機會練習一下。

還是要謝謝相思樹貢獻落葉,層層堆積保濕又堆肥,突然發現忽視很久的馬蘭(Kalimeris indica (L.) Sch. bip., Indian Kalimeris)還活得好好的。


Pruning is hard for me. Maybe I am too attached to the plants in my garden. Today butterfly peas and Lemmon's Marigold told me they have the right to enjoy sunshine. So I pruned.......

Most of the trees in my garden were planted by the nature. They soften soil, mulch on the ground and sometimes even share great fruits.

Remember to keep a small part of pruned trunks instead of cutting into the junction. Otherwise, the newly arising branches will only attached to the remaining trunk with bark and may break in a strong wind.

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