Dragon Boat Festival means more than rice dumplings and dragon boat race. Do you know many plants play very important roles at this festival? Mugwort, calamus and/or banyan branches are hung to dispel evil spirits.
Bamboo or shell ginger leaves are the most nature-friendly food package.
For an even before Dragon Boat Festival, we introduced various usages of mugwort in our daily life and led participants to sew mugwort sachets. No wonder Ms. Kent (HTM) emphasized the importance of festivals and holidays for planning of therapeutic horticulture programs. I can see from the enjoyment and satisfaction on every participants' faces.
端午節前夕跟著小黃老師在貓空山上,和台北市民享受一段與艾草的親密之旅。見證動手做對人們有多大的魔力。不管男女,不論老少,大家都認真地認識艾草的種種好處。上至七十好幾的爺爺,下至四、五歲的黃毛小兒,人人不畏細針努力地縫著香包。老奶奶和上班族先生認真的作筆記,植物可是養生之道不可或缺的。能夠讓更多的人認識植物的奧秘,真是棒到作夢也會笑。以前在加拿大上園藝治療課程時,就時常聽到Ms. Kent(HTM)提起園藝治療活動與節慶結合的重要性。果然,透過節慶把植物重新帶回人們的生活,真是再自然也不過了。
再加上艾草令人安心的香味,嗅覺好像來場SPA。 對蚊子來說,可是失魂香。今天作的艾條不當灸條。
Dried mugwort is usually in moxa but we made mugwort rolls to repel mosquitos.
Calamus symbolizes swords to protect people from evil spirits but does not encourage fighting. Make sure to hang it downward .