Jan 22, 2012

compost diversity 什麼都加的堆肥

December 9 Nursery
 Beans planted on December 1st grew almost as tall as beans planted on November 24th. According to elders, beans should be planted directly in the soil. A bigger space may be more easier for beans to germinate.
看完一本關於土壤的書 (台灣的土壤,陳尊賢,許正一著,遠足文化) 之後,發現我們苗栗的土有許多都是酸性的紅土,貧瘠的很。本來還想研究加些什麼堆肥材料好幫助土壤酸鹼平衡,但這實在不是我現在的程度可以解決的問題,寫 email問農改場又沒回音。後來看到書上說多元化是堆肥成功的關鍵,這讓我下了一個輕鬆的決定,就把先前的五種堆肥和在一起吧!!!
I just read a book and found out that the soil in Miaoli is acid red soil lacking organic matters. It took me a while to think how to improve my soil and what compost materials would help.

December 10 Nursery
Seedlings were watered at night. Hope it's not too cold for them to sleep.

 Seedlings of lettuce started to get 3 seed leaves.

December 11 Nursery
 Turnip seedlings rose dramatically They were more than 10 cm tall. 

December 12 HT garden

 Beans transplanted to HT garden grew well.
 After reading books about the soil in Taiwan, I decided to make five compost piles into one pile.
 Compost were moved in a bag. 
 Insect larvae were found in the compost.
 Lots of earthworms helped to make soil healthier.
Many of these black worms also live here. I have no idea what they are.
  I started to believe diversity is the key to make great compost.
 Compost was moved to the corner of the garden.
 Compost piles made the soil underneath darker.

December 13 Nursery
 More beans called for transplantation.
 One bean seedling broke its stem. Will it survive?
 Beans losing leaves started to get new leaves.
 Leaves of lettuce seedlings grew bigger and bigger. 
 All seedlings couldn't wait to leave their cells.
 The slow growing spinach seedlings suddenly rose into the air.
 The Cruciferous vegetables were all more than 5 cm tall.  
 8 bean seedlings were transplanted to HT garden.

 These seedlings were planted on the spot where compost piles were.
 I wondered if they would grow better than their sibling transplanted on December 5. 
 To observe more easily, I placed a label for each seedling. 

December 14
 Rescues 11 lettuce seedlings from small cells and transplanted into bigger cells.
 As usual, I recorded dates of transplantation on labels.
 9 tiny seedlings of crown daisy magically germinated. 
However, I found one problem. It might be a tough task to transplant them due to the shallow tray.

PDC Garden
This Turmeric (Curcuma Longa) was planted last June. It bloomed in November and started to dry from the edge of leaves. 
This plant may be planted by a bird. Almost all leaves were bitten by insects in November. Gradually, it recovered and grew new leaves. The self-healing ability of plants is unbelievable.
This Aloe was planted last June, too. It was dying before I left for Canada but survived and grew well.

1 comment:

Livia said...
