看到園子裡被蟲子、病菌纏身的木瓜、石榴、柚子和番茄,終於忍不住拿compost tea給它們"照顧照顧"。一邊灑一邊念,加油加油。我注意到banana circle邊的植物都長得不錯,說不定裡面的堆肥真的有效。
根據日本Natural Harmony(自然栽培蔬果物流公司)社長河名秀郎 (真正的蔬菜不綠,如果出版社) 35年自然栽培的經驗,土地不健康,植物就會不健康,蟲子就會來吃掉不健康的植物。這樣說來,園子裡的土壤應該還沒恢復健康。雖然他說堆肥會造成"肥害",但是園子裡的土壤真的太貧瘠了(有農改場的土質檢測為證)。我還是決定為這"病入膏肓"的土壤加把勁。不過有一點我好像剛好和秀明先生的觀點一樣,雜草就讓它們盡情地長吧!這可不是偷懶的藉口,我是真心認為植物真的會幫忙土壤恢復健康。
I couldn't help to water my sick plants with compost tea. The president of Natural Harmony (http://www.naturalharmony.co.jp/official/) in Japan said in this book that unhealthy soil can't grow health plants. Plants can help soil to become healthy but not the compost. Considering my weak soil (according to the report from our agriculture agency), I decided to keep weeds.
遠站著的一對璧人就是公、母木瓜樹。落不禁風、葉子下垂的是母木瓜樹,旁邊站著玉樹臨風的公木瓜樹。Banana circle旁的香蕉和木瓜樹都頭好壯壯,就是長不高。
December 5, Nursery
In this cell tray, colors of three different compost mix were so distinct. The cells of lighter color were bamboo compost mix. The 14 cells of darker color were coconut fiber compost mix. The 5 cells of darkest color were compost mix bought from the nursery shop. Somehow, I felt more confident with the darkest compost mix from the nursery shop. Is it because of my animal instinct?
One was still very weak.
Nursery 1 (bamboo compost mix): 15 seedlings survived and 1 died.
Nursery 2 (coconut fiber compost mix): 13 seedlings survived and one died.
Nursery 3 (black compost mix): 59 seedlings survived.
Planted seeds of Bok Coy, Non-heading cabbage (Chinese mustard), turnip, and spinach.
開始新的播種: 青江、小白菜、大頭菜、菠菜。
Turnip and spinach.
Bok Coy and Non-heading cabbage
The cell tray was still in my mini greenhouse.
After beans were transplanted in bigger cells, 26 seeds of Chinese Kale were planted.
Some lettuce seedlings were waiting for transplantation.
Only one celery seed germinated and 17 chrysanthemum seedlings struggled (5 dried).
26 seedlings of beans showed different levels of vitality. Some were already 10 cm tall.
Some just started to germinate.
9 seeds planted on December 1st still didn't germinate.
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